Product Gallery One
Emphasis on Quality.
Product Highlights
Commercial and Apartment Mailboxes
3-Way Front Loading Mailboxes (Stainless Steel & Aluminium) : It allows Postal office to deliver mail packages by opening the master door; and Building management to deliver important newsletters through the apertures. The mailboxes consist of anti-junk mail mechanisms that allow the residents to lock the apertures to prevent others (except the Building management) from delivering junk mail into their mailboxes. All deliveries and collections are from the front.
3-Way Back Loading Mailboxes: Two Master doors are located at the back of the mailboxes. One Master door opens into all the mailboxes and allow the Postal office easy access to deliver mail packages. The second master door (embedded within the first master door) opens into small apertures of the mailboxes and allow the Building management to deliver important newsletters through the apertures. The residents collect their mail from their individual mailboxes located in the front. The mailboxes also consist of anti-junk mail mechanisms.
Click picture for close up view
3-Way Front Loading Mailboxes
3-Way Front Loading Mailboxes
3-Way Front Loading Mailboxes
3-Way Back Loading Mailboxes
3-Way Back Loading Mailboxes
3-Way Back Loading Mailboxes
Blast Resistant Door
Blast Resistant Door
Blast Resistant Door
